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Accountancy, State Board ofGaming Policy Board
Administrative Services, Department ofGovernor's Office
African-American Affairs CommissionHealth Care Access, Office of
Aging, Connecticut Commission onHealthcare Advocate, Office of the
Agricultural Experiment Station, ConnecticutHigher Education, Department of  
Agriculture, Department ofHousing Finance Authority, Connecticut
Attorney General, Office of the StateHuman Rights and Opportunities, Commission on
Auditors of Public AccountsInformation Technology, Department of
Banking, Department ofInsurance, Department of
Blind, Board of Education and Services for theJudicial Review Council
BlUe Ribbon Commission on Housing and Economic Development (BRCHED)Labor, Department of
Business Advocate, Office of the Latino & Puerto Rican Affairs, Commission on
Capitol Child Development CenterLaw Revision Commission, Connecticut
Charter Oak CollegeLegislative Commissioners’ Office
Chief State's Attorney, Office of theLegislative Management
Child Advocate, Office of theLegislative Program Review and Investigations
Children and Families, Department ofLegislative Research, Office of
Children, Commission onLibrary, Connecticut State
Children's Trust FundLieutenant Governor's Office
Claims Commissioner, Office of the Medical Examiner, Office of the Chief
Comptroller, Office of the StateMental Health and Addiction Services, Department of
Commission on Child ProtectionMilitary Department
Commission on Fire Prevention and ControlMotor Vehicles, Department of
Commission on the Deaf and Hearing Impaired (CDHI)Office of Military Affairs
Commission for Educational TechnologyOmbudsman for Property Rights, Office of 
Connecticut Commission on Culture and TourismConnecticut Board of Pardons and Paroles
Connecticut Community-Technical CollegesPermanent Commission on the Status of Women
Connecticut Council on Developmental DisabilitiesPolice Officer Standards and Training Council
Connecticut Development AuthorityPolicy and Management, Office of
Connecticut Distance Learning ConsortiumProperties Review Board
Connecticut Environmental Public Health Tracking (CTEPHT)Psychiatric Security Review Board
Connecticut Freedom TrailPublic Defender Services, Division of
Connecticut Housing Finance Authority Public Health, Department of
Connecticut Lottery CorporationPublic Safety, Department of
Connecticut National GuardPublic Utility Control, Department of
Connecticut Resources Recovery AuthorityPublic Works, Department of
Connecticut Siting CouncilRacial and Ethnic Disparity Commission in the Criminal Justice System
Connecticut State University SystemRevenue Services, Department of
Consumer Counsel, Office ofSecretary of the State
Consumer Protection, Department ofSiting Council, Connecticut
Correction, Department ofSocial Services, Department of
Criminal Justice Commission Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Marines’ Fund
Criminal Justice, Division ofSpecial Revenue, Division of
Deaf and Hearing Impaired, State Commission on theState Contracting Standards Board
Development Authority, ConnecticutState Insurance and Risk Management Board
Developmental Disabilities, Connecticut Council onTax Department (Revenue Services)
Developmental Services, Department ofTeachers' Retirement Board
Disabilities, Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons withTransportation, Department of
Economic and Community Development, Department ofTreasurer, Office of the State
Education, State Department ofUniversity of Connecticut
Elections Enforcement Commission, StateUniversity of Connecticut Health Center
Emergency Management and Homeland Security, Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of
Environmental Protection, Department ofVictim Advocate, Office of the
Environmental Quality, Council onWater Status, State of Connecticut
Ethics, Office State Women, Permanent Commission on the Status of
Fire Prevention and Control, Commission onWorkers' Compensation Commission
Firearms Permit Examiners, Board of 
Fiscal Analysis, Office of 
Freedom of Information Commission 

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