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Many agencies post openings independently, or you can complete a State employment application.

Aging, Department on
Investment, Illinois State Board of
Agriculture, Department of
Judicial Inquiry Board
Appellate Defender, Office of
Juvenile Justice, Department of 
Appellate Prosecutor, Office of
Labor Relations Board
Arts Council
Labor, Department of
Attorney General, Office of the
Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board, Illinois
Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois
Liquor Control Commission
Auditor General
Lottery, Illinois
Capital Development Board
Lt. Governor, Office of the
Central Management Services, Department of
Medical District Commission
Children and Family Services, Department of
Military Affairs, Department of
Civil Service Commission, Illinois
Natural Resources, Department of
Commerce Commission, Illinois
Pollution Control Board
Community College Board, Illinois
Prairie State 2000 Authority
Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan, State of Illinois 
Prisoner Review Board, Illinois
Comptroller, Office of the
Property Tax Appeal Board
Corrections, Department of
Public Health, Department of
Criminal Justice Information Authority
Racing Board, Illinois
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission, Illinois
Revenue, Department of
Developmental Disabilities, Illinois Council on
Secretary of State, Office of the
Discrimination and Hate Crimes, Commission on
State Fire Marshal
Division of Banking
State Police Merit Board
Division of Financial Institutions
State Police, Illinois
Division of Insurance
State Retirement Systems
Division of Professional Regulation
State Treasurer, Office of the
Education, Board of
State Universities Civil Service System
Educational Labor Relations Board, Illinois
State Universities Retirement System
Elections, Board of
Student Assistance Commission, Illinois
Emergency Management Agency
Supreme Court, Illinois
Employment Security, Department of
Teachers’ Retirement System
Environmental Protection Agency
Toll Highway Authority, Illinois State
Fair, Illinois State
Transportation, Department of
Finance Authority, Illinois
Veterans Affairs, Department of
First Lady, Office of the
Workers' Compensation Commission, Illinois
Gaming Board, Illinois
Governor, Office of the
Guardianship and Advocacy Commission
Healthcare and Family Services - Formerly known as Public Aid, Dept. of
Higher Education, Board of
Historic Preservation Agency
Housing Development Authority
Human Rights Commission
Human Rights, Department of
Human Services, Department of

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