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Accountancy, Board ofHuman Services, Executive Director for
ADA Coordinator, Office of theHuman Support Services, Department for
Administrative and Fiscal Affairs, Executive Director forHumanities Council, Kentucky
Administrative Services, Department of (Transportation)HVAC, Division of
Administrative Services, Office of (Finance and Administration)Income Taxation, Office of
Administrative Services, Office of (Personnel Cabinet)Inspector General, Office of
Adult Education, Foundation forInspector General, Office of (Health and Family Services)
Agricultural Development BoardInsurance Administration, Division of (Personnel Cabinet)
Agricultural Marketing and Product Promotion, Office forInsurance, Department of
Agriculture, Department of (Commissioner of Agriculture)Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Board of
Appalachian Commission, KentuckyInvestigations, Office of (Justice and Public Safety)
Attorney General
Auditor of Public AccountsJustice and Public Safety Cabinet
Aviation, Department ofJuvenile Justice, Department of
Barbering, Board ofKentucky Adult Education
Blind, Office for theKentucky Community and Technical College System
Boards and CommissionsKentucky Court of Justice
Budget and Administration, Office ofKentucky Infrastructure Authority
Budget and Fiscal Management, Office ofKentucky Long-Term Policy Research Center
Budget Director, Office of the StateKentucky Retirement Systems
Building and Mechanical Services, Office ofKentucky State Penitentiary Division
Building Codes Enforcement, Division ofKentucky State University
Buildings and Grounds, Division ofKentucky Virtual Adult Education (KYVAE) 
Business and Occupational Development, Office for (Transportation Cabinet)Kentucky Virtual High School (KVHS)
Capital City AirportKentucky Virtual Library (KYVL)
Career and Technical Education, Office ofKentucky Virtual University (KYVU)
Center for School Safety, Board of Directors for theLabor Cabinet
Center for the Arts, KentuckyLabor Management Relations and Mediation, Office of
Charitable Gaming, Department ofLandscape Architects, Board of Examiners and Registration of
Children and Family Services, Executive Director forLaw Enforcement, Division of (Fish and Wildlife)
Chiropractic Examiners, Board ofLaw Operations, Division of
Claims, Board ofLegal Affiars, Office of
Client Assistance ProgramLegal Services, Office of
Commissioner, Office of the (Natural Resources)Legal Services, Office of (Education)
Communication, Office of (Education)Legal Services, Office of (Justice and Public Safety)
Community Crisis Response Board, KentuckyLegislative Branch
Community Services and Facilities, Office ofLegislative Ethics Commission, Kentucky
Compliance Assistance, Division ofLegislative Research Commission
Conservation, Division ofLegislative Services, Office for
Construction and Operations, Office ofLieutenant Governor
Consumer and Environmental Protection, Office forLife Insurance, Division of
Consumer Protection and Education, Division ofLottery, Kentucky
Contract Oversight, Office ofManagement and Administrative Services, Office of (Justice and Public Safety)
Controller, Office of theMarriage and Family Therapists, Board of Certification of
Corrections and Community Service, Commission onMassage Therapy, Kentucky Board of Licensure for
Corrections Commission, Kentucky StateMedical Examiner, Office of the State
Corrections, Department ofMedical Licensure, Board of
Creative Services, KentuckyMedical Services, Division of
Criminal Justice Training, Department ofMental Health and Mental Retardation Services, Department for
Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Kentucky Commission on theMilitary Affairs, Commission on
Dentistry, Board ofMilitary Affairs, Department of
Department for Local DevelopmentMine Permits, Division of
Dietitians and Nutritionists, Board of Licensure and Certification forMinority Empowerment, Governor's Office of
Drug Control Policy, Office ofMotor Carriers, Division of
East Kentucky CorporationMotor Vehicle Commission
Eastern Kentucky UniversityMotor Vehicle Licensing, Division of
Economic DevelopmentMuseums, Division of
Education CabinetNatural Resources, Department for
Education Professional Standards BoardNature Preserves Commission, Kentucky State
Education, Department ofNursing Home Administrators, Board of
Election Finance, Kentucky Registry ofNursing, Board of
Elections, Board ofOccupational Safety and Health Standards Board
Embalmers and Funeral Home Directors, Board ofOccupational Safety and Health, Office of
Emergency Management, Division ofOccupational Therapy, Board of
Emergency Medical Services, Kentucky Board ofOffice of Energy Policy
Employee Development, Division ofOffice of the Secretary (Education)
Employee Insurance, Department for (Personnel Cabinet)Optometric Examiners, Board of
Employee Relations, Office for (Personnel Cabinet)Parks, Kentucky Department of
Energy and Environment CabinetPerformance Audit, Division of
Energy Development and Independence, Department forPersonnel Cabinet
Enforcement Division (Alcoholic Beverage Control)Personnel Division
Enforcement, Division of (Environmental Protection)Personnel Management and Staff Development
Engineering and Contract Administration, Division ofPersonnel Services, Division of
Engineering, Division ofPharmacy, Board of
Enterprise IT Policy and Planning, Office ofPhysical Therapy, Board of
Environmental and Public Protection CabinetPlanning and Management, Office of
Environmental Education Council, KentuckyPlumbing, Division of
Environmental Protection, Department forPodiatry, Board of
Environmental Quality Commission, KentuckyPostal Services, Division of
Environmental Services, Division ofPostsecondary Education, Council on
Examination and Information Technology, Division ofProfessional Art Therapists, Kentucky Board of Certification for
Executive BranchProfessional Counselors, Board of Certification for
Executive Branch Ethics CommissionProfessional Engineers and Land Surveyors, Board of Registration for
Existing Business Development, Department forProfessional Geologists, Board of Registration for
Explosives and Blasting, Division ofPsychologists, Board of Examiners of
Expositions and Admissions, Division ofPublic Affairs, Office of
Facilities and Support Services, Department forPublic Safety Training, Office of
Facilities Management, Division ofPublic Service Commission, Kentucky
Fair and Expositions Center Operations, KentuckyReal Estate Appraisers Board 
Fee-Based Pastoral Counselors, Board of Certification ofReal Estate Commission
Finance and Administration CabinetRegulated Child Care, Division of (Health and Family Services)
Finance and Administration, Office ofRenaissance Kentucky Office
Finance and Personnel, Division ofRespiratory Care, Board of
Financial Audit, Division ofRevenue, Department of
Financial Incentives, Department forSecretary of State
Financial Institutions, Department ofSecretary, Office of the (Commerce)
Financial Management and Administration, Division ofSecretary, Office of the (Economic Development)
Financial Management, Office ofSecretary, Office of the (EPPC)
Financial Operations, Division ofSecretary, Office of the (Justice)
Financial Standards, Division of (Office of Insurance)Secretary, Office of the (Personnel)
Fire Prevention, Division ofSmall Business Advocacy, Commission on
Fiscal Management, Divison ofSocial Work, Board of
Fiscal Services, Office ofSpeech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Board of
Fish and Wildlife Resources, KentuckyState Police, Department of Kentucky
Fisheries, Division ofState Rehabilitation Council, Kentucky Department for the Blind
Fleet Management, Division ofStatewide Independent Living Council
Food Services, Division ofStrategic Planning and Administration, Office for (Department of Agriculture)
Forensic Services DivisionSubstance Abuse Policy, Agency for
Forestry, Division ofTax Appeals, Board of
Foundation for the Arts, KentuckyTeachers' Retirement System, Kentucky (KTRS)
Foundation For Workforce DevelopmentTechnical Education Personnel Board, Kentucky
Frankfort Convention CenterTechnology, Commonwealth Office of (COT)
Frankfort Convention ComplexTourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet
General AssemblyTransportation Cabinet
General Counsel, Office ofTransportation Operations Center, Office of the
General Government CabinetTreasury, Kentucky State
General Government Systems, Division ofUnemployment Insurance Commission
Government Training, Office ofUnemployment Insurance, Division of
Governor's OfficeVeterans' Affairs, Department of
Governor's Scholars ProgramVeterinarian, Office of State
Governor's School for the ArtsVeterinary Examiners, Board of
Hairdressers and Cosmetologists, Board ofWomen, Kentucky Commission on
Health and Family Services, Cabinet forWomen's Physical and Mental Heath, Division of
Health, Executive Director forWorkers Compensation Board
Hearing Instruments, Board of Licensing for Specialists inWorkers Compensation Funding Commission, Kentucky
Highways, Department ofWorkers Compensation Funds, Division of
Historical Society, KentuckyWorkers' Compensation, Division of
Homeland Security, Kentucky Office ofWorkforce Investment Board, Kentucky
Horse Racing Authority, KentuckyWorkforce Investment, Department of
Housing, Department ofWorkforce Services, Division of
Human Rights, Kentucky Commission onWorkplace Standards, Office of

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