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Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, Rhode Island Interlocal Risk Management Trust, Rhode Island 
Accountancy, Rhode Island Board of Interpreters for the Deaf, Board of Examiners 
Accounts and Claims, Joint Committee Interscholastic League, House Commission to Study the Rhode Island 
Adaptive Telephone Equipment Loan Program Committee Interstate Compacts For the Protection of Water Resources 
Adjutant General, Office of the Interstate Cooperation, Commission on 
Administration, Department of Interstate Emergency Management and Disaster Compact 
Adult Literacy, Blue Ribbon Commission to Study Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Commission 
Adult Offender Supervisions, Interstate Compact Commission for Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management, Rhode Island - Massachusetts 
Advisory Council, State Investment Commission, Rhode Island State 
Aging, Advisory Commission on Judicial Council 
Agricultural Lands Preservation Commission Judicial Department 
Air Pollution Operating Advisory Commission Judicial Ethics, Advisory and Committee on 
Airport Corporation, Rhode Island Judicial Nominating Commission 
Airport Joint Zoning Board Judicial Tenure and Discipline, Commission on 
Airport Study Group Justice Commission Policy Board, Rhode Island 
All Terrain Vehicles (ATV's), Special House Commission to Study the Use of All Justice Commission Steering Committee, Governor's 
Alzheimer's and Dementias Related to Aging, Governor's Commission on Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee 
Ambulance Service Coordinating Advisory Board Juvenile Justice Reform Task Force, Governor's 
American and Canadian French Cultural Exchange Commission Kent County Water Authority 
American and Cape Verdean Cultural Exchange Commission Labor and Payment of Debts by Contractors, Appeals Board of 
American and Hispanic/Latino Cultural Exchange, Permanent Commission on Labor and Training Board of Review 
American and Irish Cultural Exchange Commission Labor and Training Strategic Planning Task Force, Department of 
American and Italian Cultural Exchange Commission Labor and Training, Department of 
American and Polish Cultural Exchange Commission Labor Relations Board - Hearing Board, Rhode Island State 
American and Portuguese Cultural Exchange Commission Labor Relations Board, Rhode Island State 
Amusement Ride Advisory Committee Land Surveyors, Board of Registration for Professional 
Apprenticeship Council Land Use Task Force, Governor's 
Architects, Board of Examination and Registration of Landscape Architects, Board of Examiners of 
Arts, Rhode Island State Council on the Law Committee, Unauthorized Practice of 
Asbestos Advisory Board Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission, Governor's 
Assisted Living Certification Board Law Enforcement Training Commission, Governor's 
Athletic Trainers, Board of Law, House Study Commission Relating to the Practice of 
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Legal Education, Mandatory Continuing 
Atomic Energy Commission, Rhode Island Legislative Council 
Attorney General, Office of the Legislative Services, Permanent Joint Committee on 
Audio/Video Programming Advisory Committee LibFutures Steering Committee 
Auditor General, Office of Library Board of Rhode Island 
Automobile Theft and Insurance Fraud Investigations Board Lieutenant Governor, Office of the 
Bank Incorporation, Board of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association, Board of Directors 
Bar Examiners, Board of Liquefied Natural Gas, House Commission to study the Transportation of 
Barbering and Hairdressing, Board of Literacy and Drop Out Prevention Advisory Council 
Base Realignment and Closure Commission Long Term Care Coordinating Council 
Batterers Intervention Program Standards Oversight Committee Lottery, Joint Committee on State 
Bay State- Ocean State Compact Commission Lyme Disease and Other Tick Borne Infections, Governor's Commission on 
Bays, Rivers, and Watersheds Coordination Team - Economic Monitoring Collaborative, Rhode Island Marine Fisheries Council 
Bays, Rivers, and Watersheds Coordination Team - Public Advisory Committee, Rhode Island Martin Luther King, Jr. State Holiday Commission 
Bays, Rivers, and Watersheds Coordination Team - Scientific Advisory Committee, Rhode Island Masonic Temple Charette Implementation Task Force 
Bays, Rivers, and Watersheds Coordination Team, Rhode Island Mechanical Board 
Beekeeping Advisory Board Medal of Honor Recipients, Permanent Committee on Rhode Island 
Behavioral Health, Governor's Council on Medical Examiners' Commission 
Black Achievers Commission Medical Licensure and Discipline, Board of 
BLB Advisory Committee Mental Health Advocate Selection Committee 
Blind, Advisory Council on the Mental Health Advocate, Office of the 
Budget Sub-Committee Mental Health Board, Community 
Building Code Standards Committee, State Mental Health Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists, Board of 
Building Code, Legislative Regulation Committee on the State Mental Health Insurance, Governor's Commission on 
Business Advocacy Council, Small Mental Health, Retardation, and Hospitals, Department of 
Business Regulation, Department of Mental Retardation, Governor's Committee on 
Capital Center Commission Mercury Reduction and Oversight Commission 
Capital Development Planning and Oversight Commission Midwifery, Advisory Council on 
Cemeteries, Advisory Commission on Historical Milk Commission 
Character and Fitness, Committee on Minority Business Enterprise Commission 
Chemical Dependency Professionals, Board of Licensing Minority Groups Advisory Commission 
Child Advocate, Appointing Committee Mortgage Lending Practices, Legislative Commission to study Predatory 
Child Advocate, Office of the Mosquito Abatement Board, Rhode Island 
Child Support Commission Motor Vehicle Dealers License and Hearing Board 
Children Youth and Families, Department of Motor Vehicle Inspection Commission 
Children's Cabinet Motor Vehicles, Registry of 
Children's Code Commission 
Narragansett Bay and Watershed Planning Commission, Governor's 
Children's Crusade For Higher Education, Rhode Island Narragansett Bay and Watershed Planning Commission, Governor's 
Chiropractic Examiners, Board of Narragansett Bay Commission 
Chronic and Long Term Care, Governor's Cabinet on Narragansett Bay, Special Legislative Commission to Develop a Strategic Plan for 
Citizens Solid Waste Management Advisory Board National Guard, Rhode Island 
Clinical Laboratory Science Advisory Board Natural Heritage Preservation Commission, Rhode Island 
Coastal Resources Advisory Committee Natural Heritage Preservation, Governor's Advisory Committee on 
Coastal Resources Management Council Naval Affairs, Permanent Committee on 
Coastal Resources Management Council, Hearing Officers New England Interstate Planning Compact Commission 
Commercial Fishing License Review Board New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission 
Commissioner's of Rhode Island to State or Foreign Countries North Cape/Scandia Oil Spill Clearinghouse For State Claims 
Community Planning Council for HIV Prevention, Rhode Island Northeast Interstate Dairy Compact 
Community Resource Assistance Commission Northeast Interstate Dairy Compact 
Comprehensive Plan Appeals Board, State Northeastern Resources Commission 
Conservation Committee, State Nurse Advisory Committee, Advanced Practice 
Constable Advisory Committee Nurse Registration and Nursing Education, Board of 
Constables Disciplinary Board Nurses Non-Disciplinary Alternative Advisory Panel 
Consulting Contracts, Legislative Oversight Commission for Nursing Assistant Advisory Board 
Contractor's Registration Board Nursing Home Administrators, Board of Examiners for 
Convention Center Authority, Rhode Island Occupational Information Coordinating Committee, Rhode Island 
Corrections Classification Board, Department of Occupational Safety and Health Review Board 
Corrections Reform and Prisoner Reentry, Governor's Steering Committee on Occupational Safety and Health, Code Commission for 
Corrections, Department of Occupational Therapy, Board of 
Court Administration Advisory Board Opticianry, Advisory Committee for 
Coventry Senior Citizen's Board Optometry, Board of Examiners for 
Crime Laboratory Commission, State Oversight Commission, Legislative 
Crime Prevention Planning Committee Paratransit Task Force, Elderly and the Handicapped 
Criminal Justice Oversight Committee Parole Board 
Criminal Justice, Special Commission on Pawtuxet River Authority, Board of Directors of the 
Cultural Coordinating Council Performance Evaluation Committee, Judicial 
Cumberland Juvenile Hearing Board Persian Gulf War Information and Relief Commission 
Curators, Board of Personnel Appeal Board, State 
Dam Safety and Maintenance Task Force, Creation of Personnel Development Advisory Committee, Comprehensive System of 
Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Commission on Pesticide Relief Advisory Board 
Deaf, Rhode Island School for the Pharmaceutical Purchasing and Dispensing Coordinating Council, State 
Defense Economy Planning Commission, Special House Pharmacy, State Board of 
Dentistry, Board of Physical Fitness and Health, Governor's Council on 
Depositor's Advisory Board Physical Therapy, Board of 
Depositors Economic Protection Corporation Physicians Assistants Formulary Committee, Board of Registration 
Design Professionals, Division of Physicians Assistants, Board of Licensure for 
Developmental Disabilities Council, Rhode Island Pilotage Commission, Rhode Island State 
Dietetics Practice, Rhode Island State Board of Pistol/Revolver Safety Course Review Board 
Disabilities - Disability Business Enterprise Committee, Governor's Commission on Planning Council, State 
Disabilities - Hearing Board, Governor's Commission on Plastic Recycling and Litter, Permanent Commission 
Disabilities, Governor's Commission on Plumbers, Board of Examiners of 
Disabilities, President's Committee on Employment of People with Podiatry Applicants, Examining Committee For 
Disaster Emergency Funding Board Podiatry, Board of Examiners in 
Displaced Persons Committee Poison Prevention Packaging Technical Advisory Committee 
District Court Police Officers Commission on Standards and Training 
District Management Authority, Board of Directors Police Officer's Relief, Board of 
Division of Motor Vehicles - Medical Advisory Board Post Secondary Education Commission, Rhode Island 
Drafting, Committee on Prejudice and Bias, Commission on 
Dredging, Governor's Commission on Prescription Drugs, Advisory Panel of off Label Uses of 
Drivers' Training Schools, Board of Licensing Examiners Properties Committee, State 
E911 Uniform Emergency Telephone System Providence Review Commission 
E911 Uniform Emergency Telephone System Advisory Commission Psychology, Board of 
East Bay Economic Initiative's Steering Committee Public Defender, Office of the 
East Providence Waterfront District Public Finance Management Board 
Economic Development Corporation, Rhode Island Public Rail Corporation, Board of Directors 
Economic Development, Permanent Joint Committee Public Records Advisory Council 
Economic Policy Council, Rhode Island Public Safety Grant Administration Office 
Education Assistance Authority, Higher Public Utilities Commission 
Education Commission, Civic Publications Clearinghouse Advisory Committee, State 
Education Compact, New England Higher Quonset Development Corporation 
Education Funding Study Commission, Rhode Island Rabies Control Board 
Education of Gifted and Talented Children, Advisory Board for Race and Police -Community Relations, Rhode Island Select Commission on 
Education of the Limited English Proficient Students, Advisory Council on Racing and Athletics Hearing Board 
Education Operating Executive Committee, Higher Radiation Advisory Commission 
Education, Advisory Council on Vocational Radiologic Technology, Board of 
Education, Rhode Island Board of Governors for Higher Real Estate Appraisers Board 
Educational Commission of the States Real Estate Commission 
Elderly Affairs, Department of Reapportionment Commission Act 
Elderly, Citizens' for the Safety and Care of the Reciprocity Board 
Elections, Board of Recreational Safety Council 
Electricians, Board of Examiners of Refunding Bond Authority, Rhode Island 
Electrolysis, Board of Examiners for Register, Administrative Committee of the State 
Elementary and Secondary Education, Board of Regents for Regulation Committee, Legislation 
Emergency Management Advisory Council, Rhode Island Rehabilitation Advisory Council, State 
Emergency Management Agency, Rhode Island Rehabilitation Building and Fire Code for Existing Buildings and Structures, Joint Committee on the 
Emergency Response Commission, Emergency Planning Creates Relations Commission, State and Local 
Employees' Retirement System of Rhode Island Renewable Energy Development Trust Fund 
Employment Security, Advisory Council on Resource Recovery Corporation, Rhode Island 
Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council Respiratory Care, Board of 
Energy Facility Sitting Board Restoration Committee, State House 
Engineers, Board of Registration for Professional Retail Electric Licensing Commission 
Enterprise Zone Council, Rhode Island Revenue, Department of 
Environment and Energy, Permanent Joint Committee on the Rivers Council, Rhode Island 
Environmental Advisory Council, Governor's Safety Awareness, Board of 
Environmental Affairs, Advisory Council on Savings Bond Advisory Board 
Environmental Lead, Commission on Scenic Roadways Board, Rhode Island 
Environmental Management, Department of Scholarship Committee, Best and Brightest 
Equal Opportunity Advisory Committee, Executive Department School Based Health Centers, Special Senate Commission to Study 
Equal Opportunity by State Government, Promotion of School Districts in Rhode Island, Legislative Commission Study the Consolidation 
Ethics and Advisory Panel School Staff Institute Advisory Board 
Ethics Commission, Rhode Island Schooner Ernestina/Morrissey Commission 
Executive Department Science and Research Council 
Executive High Sheriff, Office of the Science and Technology Advisory Council, Rhode Island 
Family Court Secretary of State, Office of the 
Family Income and Asset-Building Commission Service Alliance, Rhode Island 
Family Independence Advisory Commission Sex Offender Board of Review 
Farm, Forest and Open Space Land Value Subcommittee, Rhode Island Sexual Harassment in the Workplace 
Fire and Life Safety in Animal Housing Facilities, Special House Commission to study Sinking Fund Commission 
Fire Education and Training Coordinating Board Slater Technology Fund, Inc. 
Fire Fighter's Relief, Board of Small Business, Permanent Joint Committee on 
Fire Marshal, Division of Social Work Examiners, Board of 
Fire Safety and Training Academy Speech Language Pathology and Audiology, Board of Examiners 
Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review State Fire Marshal, Rhode Island 
Fire Safety Issues, Commission on State Police, Division of 
Flammable Fabric, Advisory Committee for State Police, Rhode Island 
Forest Fire Protection Commission. Northeastern Statewide Independent Living Council 
Fort Adams Foundation Statewide PK-16 Council 
Foundation Aid Technical Advisory Group Streamlined Sales Tax System, Legislative Oversight Committee 
Funeral Directors/ Embalmers, Board of Examiners Student Loan Authority Board of Directors, Rhode Island 
General Treasurer, Office of the Superior Court 
Geographic Information System, Department of Administration, Division of Planning, Rhode Island Supreme Court 
Government Information, Commission on Supreme Court Disciplinary Board 
Government Internships, Commission on Tax Relief Technical Advisory Board 
Governor, Office of the Tax Study Commission, Rhode Island 
Greater Providence - Warwick Convention and Visitors' Bureau Board of Directors Tax System, Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Streamline Sales 
Greenways Council Taxation of the Telecommunications Industry in Rhode Island, Governor's Commission to Study 
Group Self-Insurance, Advisory Committee on Taxation, Division of 
Growth Planning Council Technical Assistance Committee, Governor's 
Gubernatorial Portrait Commission Teenage Suicide Prevention, Task Force on 
Hazardous Substance in the Work Place, Permanent Commission on Telecommunications Authority, Public 
Health and Educational Building Corporation, Rhode Island Telecommunications Task Force, Governor's 
Health and Human Services, Office of Telecommunications, Advisory Commission on, Public 
Health and Human Services, Rhode Island Executive Office of Temporary Disability Insurance Board of Review 
Health Care Oversight, Permanent Joint Committee on Textbook Loan Program, Joint Commission to Study the State 
Health Care Quality Steering Committee Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation 
Health Insurance Commissioner, Office of the Tourism Development Advisory Council, Rhode Island 
Health Professional Loan Repayment Board Toxic Mold, Special Senate Commission to study the Health Effects of 
Health Services and Facilities, New England Board of Traffic Commission, State 
Health Services Council Traffic Stop Study Advisory Committee 
Health, Department of Traffic Tribunal 
Health, Governor's Council on Traffic Tribunal Appeals Panel 
Hearing Aid Dealers and Fitters, Board of Trails Advisory Committee, Rhode Island 
heathhealth Transit Authority, Rhode Island Public 
Heritage Subcommittee of the Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission Transportation, Department of 
Higher Education, Office of Trauma System Advisory Committee 
Highway Safety, Joint Committee on Traumatic Brain Injuries, Permanent Advisory Commission on 
Hispanic Affairs, Governor's Commission on Travel Commission of Rhode Island 
Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission, Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority, Rhode Island 
Historical Records Advisory Board, Rhode Island Underground Storage Tank Financial Responsibility Fund Review Board 
Hoisting Engineers, Board of Examiners of Unemployment Insurance Advisory Council 
Home and Community Care Services Advisory Committee Unemployment Insurance Reform Task Force 
Homeless, Commission on the Uniform State Laws, Commission on 
Homelessness, Governor's Interagency Council on University of Rhode Island Commission for Research and Innovation 
Homestead Board University of Rhode Island Research Corporation, Board of Directors 
Hopkinton Juvenile Hearing Board Urban Infrastructure Commission 
Horse Riding Schools, Board of Inspection of Vehicle Value Commission, Rhode Island 
Housing Act of 2004 Implementation Coversight Commission, The Veterans' Affairs Committee, Permanent Advisory Council for the Rhode Island House 
Housing and Conservation Board, Rhode Island Veterans' Affairs, Advisory Council for 
Housing and Conservation Trust Study Commission Veterans' Affairs, Joint Committee on 
Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation, Rhode Island Veterinary Medicine, Board of 
Housing and Property Maintenance Code Subcommittee, State Victims, General Treasurer's Commission on Aid to 
Housing Appeals Board, Rhode Island Vocational Education, Board for 
Housing Resources Commission, Rhode Island Voter Registration Advisory Board 
Howard Center Council, Interim Wastewater Reclamation and Refuse in Rhode Island, Special Senate Commission to Study 
Human Resource Investment Council - Workforce Investment Act Committee Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Board of Certification of Operators of 
Human Resources Investment Council Water and Groundwater Standards Commission, Clean Drinking 
Human Resources Investment Council - School to Career Subcommittee Water Finance Agency, Rhode Island Clean 
Human Rights, Commission for Water Resources Board, Rhode Island 
Human Services - Rhode to Independence, Department of Water Resources Coordinating Council 
Human Services Advisory Council Water Resources, Joint Committee on 
Human Services, Department of Water Supply Advisory Council, Public Drinking 
Humanities, Rhode Island Committee for the Water Supply Treatment and Distribution Facilities, Board of Certification Operators of Public 
I-195 Redevelopment Act of 2002, The Water use and Distribution in Rhode Island, Special House Commission to Study 
Industrial - Recreational Building Authority Well Drilling Board, Rhode Island 
Industrial Facilities Corporation, Board of Directors Wellness Steering Committee, Rhode Island State 
Industry Advisory Committee for the Marine Fisheries Council Wetlands and Septic Systems, Governor's Advisory Committee on 
Insurance Continuing Education Advisory Board Witness Protection Review Board 
Insurance Council, Governor's Women and Minorities in the Courts, Permanent Advisory Committee 
Insurance Producers Qualification Course Advisory Board, Life and Health Women, Rhode Island Commission on 
Insurance Statutes, Commission to Study Workers' Compensation Advisory Committee 
Insurance Task Force Workers' Compensation Advisory Council 
Insurance Task Force, Governor's Workers' Compensation Court 
Insurance, Advisory Committee for Group Self Workers' Compensation Court Medical Advisory Board 
Insurers' Insolvency Fund, Board of Directors Workers' Compensation Insurance Fund - Beacon Mutual Insurance Company, Board of Directors 
Interagency Coordinating Council Workforce Investment Board, State 
Interagency Transition Council Workforce Partnership of Greater Rhode Island, Board of Directors 
Intergovernmental Relations Council Yachting Committee, Rhode Island 
Intergovernmental Relations Technical Advisory Committee Youth Commission, Rhode Island 

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