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Accident Fund, StateJohn de la Howe School
Accountancy, Board of (LLR)Judicial Department
Adjutant GeneralJuvenile Justice, Department of 
Administrative Law CourtLabor, Licensing and Regulation, Department of (LLR)
Agency Mail (General Services Division)Law Enforcement Division (SLED)
Aging, Lieutenant Governors Office On Legislative Audit Council
Agriculture, Department ofLegislature (Senate, House)
Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services, Department ofLibrary, State
Architectural Examiners, Board of (LLR)Lieutenant Governor, Office of the
Archives and History, Department ofLieutenant Governor's, Office on Aging
Arts CommissionLocal Government, Office of
Athletic Commission, Board of (LLR)Long Term Health Care Administrators, Board of (LLR)
Attorney GeneralLottery Commission
Auctioneers' Commission, Board of (LLR)Low Country Graduate Center
Auditor, Office of the StateManufactured Housing Board (LLR)
Banking, Commissioner ofMassage/Bodywork Therapy (LLR)
Barber Examiners, Board of (LLR)Materials Management Office (MMO)
Blind, Commission for theMedical Examiners, Board of (LLR)
Budget and Control BoardMedical Malpractice Patients' Compensation Fund
Building Codes Council (LLR)Mental Health, Department of
Cabinet Agencies (Governor's Office)Military Department
Children's Affairs, Office of (Governor's Office)Minority Affairs, Commission for
Chiropractic Examiners, Board of (LLR)Motor Vehicles, Department of
Climatology Office, StateMuseum, State
Commerce, Department ofNational Guard
Commission for the BlindNatural Resources, Department of
Commission on Indigent DefenseNursing, Board of (LLR)
Comptroller GeneralOccupational Therapy, Board of (LLR)
Confederate Relic Room and MuseumOmbudsman, Governor's Office of
Consumer Affairs, Department ofOpticianry, Board of Examiners in (LLR)
Continuum of Care (Governor's Office)Optometry, Board of Examiners in (LLR)
Contractors' Licensing Board (LLR)OSHA Voluntary Programs, Office of (LLR)
Corrections, Department ofParks, Recreation and Tourism, Department of
Cosmetology, Board of (LLR)Patients' Compensation Fund
Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists and Psycho-Educational SpecPatriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum
Court of AppealsPerpetual Care Cemetery Board (LLR)
Crime Victims' Ombudsman (Governor's Office)Pharmacy, Board of (LLR)
Criminal Justice AcademyPhysical Therapy Examiners, Board of (LLR)
Deaf and the Blind, School for thePilotage Commission (LLR)
Dentistry, Board of (LLR)Podiatry Examiners, Board of
Developmental Disabilities Council (Governor's Office)Ports Authority, State
Disabilities and Special Needs, Department of Printing Services (Budget and Control Board)
Economic Advisors, Board of (Budget and Control Board)Probation, Parole and Pardon Services, Department of 
Economic Opportunity (Governor's Office)Prosecution Coordination, Commission on
Education Lottery CommissionPsychology, Board of Examiners in (LLR)
Education Oversight CommitteePublic Safety, Department of
Education, Department of Public Service Commission
Educational Television Network (ETV)Pyrotechnic Safety, Board of (LLR)
Election CommissionReal Estate Appraisers Board (LLR)
Emergency Management DivisionReal Property Services (Budget and Control Board)
Employee Insurance Program (Budget and Control Board)Regulatory Staff, Office of 
Employment Security CommissionResearch and Statistics, Office of (Budget and Control Board)
Energy Office (Budget and Control Board)Residential Builders Commission (LLR)
Engineers and Land Surveyors, Board of Professional (LLR)Retirement Systems (Budget and Control Board)
Environmental Certification, Board of (LLR)Revenue, Department of
Ethics Commission, StateRural Development Council
Executive Policy and Programs, Governor's Office of (OEPP)Santee Cooper Power
Facilities Management (Budget and Control Board)SC Commission on Higher Education
Film Office (Department of Commerce)School for the Deaf and Blind
Fire AcademySchool Improvement Council
Fire Marshal, StateSea Grant Consortium
First StepsSecond Injury Fund 
Fleet Management, State (Budget and Control Board)Secretary of State
Foresters, Board of Registration for (LLR)Securities Division (Office of Attorney General)
Forestry CommissionSenate
Foster Care Review Board (Governor's Office)Small and Minority Business Assistance (Governor's Office)
Funeral Service, Board of (LLR)Social Services, Department of
General Services Division, Budget and Control BoardSocial Work Examiners, Board of (LLR)
Geologists, Board of Registration for (LLR)Solicitors
Governor, Office of theSpeech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Board of Examiners in (LLR)
Governor's MansionState Budget, Office of (Budget and Control Board)
Governor's School for Science and MathematicsState Chief Information Officer (CIO), Division of the
Governor's School for the Arts and HumanitiesState Information Technology (DSIT), Division of 
Gray, Wil Lou Opportunity SchoolState Law Enforcement Division (SLED)
Guardian Ad Litem (Governor's Office)State Museum
Health and Environmental Control, Department of (DHEC)State Ports Authority
Health and Human Services, Department of (DHHS)Supreme Court
Higher Education Tuition Grants CommissionSurplus Property Office (Budget and Control Board)
Higher Education, Commission on Technical and Comprehensive Education, State Board for 
Highway Patrol (Department of Public Safety)Tourism Expenditure Review Committee
House of RepresentativesTransportation, Department of
Housing Finance and Development Authority, StateTreasurer, Office of the State
Human Affairs CommissionTuition Grants Commission, Higher Education
Human Resources, Office of (Budget and Control Board)Tuition Prepayment Program
Independent Living Council. SCVeterans' Affairs, Office of (Governor's Office)
Indigent Defense, Commission onVeterinary Medical Examiners, Board of (LLR)
Information Technology Management OfficeVictim Assistance, State Office of (Governor's Office)
Insurance Reserve Fund, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Department
Insurance, Department ofWil Lou Gray Opportunity School
Internal Audit Services (Budget and Control Board)Women, Governor's Commission on 
Internal Operations, Office of (Budget and Control Board)Worker's Compensation Commission
Jobs - Economic Development Authority 

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